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January 4, 2023 Blog

Gailor Hunt Gives the Gift of Hope to Children in Need

Inspired by the season of giving, Gailor Hunt recently came together to help kids in the foster care system wake up to gifts under the tree. Each year, the firm sponsors and buys presents for 15 children through the Friends of Wake Guardian ad Litem (GAL) Angel Tree program. This year, the GAL sponsored 500 at-risk kids within the Wake County foster system through community-wide toy donations.

Wake Guardian ad Litem minThe Friends of Wake GAL Program oversees a variety of efforts targeted at supporting abused and neglected children in the community, including Computers for Kids, Back-to-School Backpacks, Camp Grants, A Chance to Smile and the Education Advocacy Program (EAP). The organization also has a Special Request Fund, which funds young people who need financial support for activities often taken for granted.

The Friends of Wake GAL is a 100% volunteer-run, non-profit organization, depending on the support of the community. They strive to change the lives of abused and neglected children by supporting the work of GAL by giving youth in the child welfare system enrichment opportunities and needed items. As a family law firm, we understand the importance of helping children during difficult times feel supported and are thrilled to help this special cause.

gailor hunt attorney
Jaime H. Davis is a board-certified family law attorney, podcast host, author and co-managing partner of Gailor Hunt Davis Taylor & Gibbs, PLLC. Jaime hosts the podcast A Year and a Day: Divorce Without Destruction to help her clients and other divorcing individuals navigate a divorce without destruction of family relationships and the family’s finances.
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