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A claim for Criminal Conversation requires sexual intercourse between your spouse and another person.
Actions for Alienation of Affection are generally brought by the innocent spouse against the affair partner of the guilty spouse and do not require proof of adultery.
When spouses separate, the issue of defamation sometimes arises. One spouse may feel that another individual has posted untruthful comments about him on social media, or otherwise made written or verbal statements that cast him in a bad light.
North Carolina law views the marital relationship as one of the most confidential of relationships. Therefore, spouses have a heightened duty to be truthful and ethical with each other.
North Carolina recognizes the right of a spouse to sue the other spouse for transmission of a venereal disease.
In North Carolina, a person may be held liable for the intentional infliction of emotional distress.
North Carolina law defines illicit sexual behavior as “acts of sexual or deviate sexual intercourse, deviate sexual acts, or sexual acts as defined in North Carolina criminal law, voluntarily engaged in by a spouse with someone other than the other spouse.”
There are several forms of invasion of privacy that are recognized by courts in North Carolina. But in the family law context, the most relevant form of invasion of privacy is called “intrusion into the solitude or seclusion of another” or simply “intrusion,” for short.
Domestic violence is a problem that does not discriminate; it is statistically consistent across all socio-economic and racial lines. We can help.