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What can grandparents do to protect the bond with their grandchildren when the children’s parents separate? Learn more about your rights as a grandparent here.
A Family Law Appeal is the process by which a party asks a higher court to review the decision of a lower court
Settlement of disputed issues is always preferable to litigation. If you and your spouse can agree to the terms of your separation and property division, then you can sign a separation and property settlement agreement.
North Carolina law provides a mechanism to establish paternity when a child is born to unmarried parents. The action to establish paternity must be filed before the child’s eighteenth birthday.
Spouses can contract with each other during their marriage. A contract signed by spouses during the marriage which addresses spousal support and/or the division of property is known as a “Postnuptial Agreement.” Postnuptial agreements are often used in situations where spouses separate, but are still legally married, and are considering reconciliation.
In North Carolina, premarital agreements are governed by the Uniform Premarital Agreement Act found in Chapter 52B of the North Carolina General Statutes. A premarital agreement is an agreement between prospective spouses made in contemplation of marriage and to be effective upon marriage.